How To Take Care Of Your Teeth? 9 Rules Of Thumb

Many patients regularly brush their teeth, yet the dentist discovers new cavities during each visit to the office. A typical explanation for this unpleasant situation is to blame genetics. The statements “I have weak teeth after my mother” or “my grandmother’s teeth also broke” – these are sentences that are often (too often!) Uttered in the dentist’s office.

Meanwhile, oral hygiene is not limited to brushing your teeth every day. In order to enjoy beautiful teeth for years, you need to follow a few simple rules that will keep your teeth and gums healthy for a long time.

Rule # 1 – Brushing technique counts So

what if we brush our teeth every day if we do it incorrectly. Improper brushing technique, a wrong toothpaste and brush will not only destroy our efforts, but can seriously harm our teeth and gums. If we really care about oral health, let’s learn to clean our teeth properly – oral hygiene instruction is not a big expense, but it brings enormous benefits.

Rule No. 2 – Fight Harmful Habits

Don’t bite pencils (or – even less so – nails), don’t chew nuts or hard candy, don’t use teeth as a substitute for tailor’s scissors or bottle opener. Such habits can cause microcracks or chipping of the enamel, they can also lead to the breakage of entire tooth fragments, as well as to the destruction of fillings.

Rule no. 3 – Fight against night snacking

Let’s assume that after brushing your teeth in the evening we avoid the fridge and don’t eat our favorite cola or fruit juice. If we wake up at night with a dry mouth, we quench our thirst with a few sips of water.

Rule no. 4 – Fight the weakness for sweets and carbohydrates

I think we all know that sweets spoil the teeth and increase the risk of tooth decay. However, few people are aware that carbohydrates are equally dangerous for our teeth. Starch contained in many snacks is broken down in saliva into simple sugars, and these are already dangerous for our teeth.

Therefore, even when we reach for an organic oatmeal cookie, we should at least rinse our teeth after eating it. We should also remember that it is better to treat yourself to sweets once and for all than to eat them in small portions over a long period of time.

Rule 5 – Drinks also damage teeth.

Control the amount of coffee or tea you drink . Excessive consumption of these popular drinks can build up plaque on the teeth. And if we cannot imagine our life without 4 cups of espresso, we should use professional hygienic procedures, such as scaling and sandblasting, much more often (or at least ask the dentist how to properly care for our teeth in such a situation).

Rule No. 6 – Do not underestimate the effects of bruxism

If, in stressful situations, we grit our teeth hard and our grinding wakes up the family at night, it is NECESSARY to go to a checkup and ask the dentist to thoroughly check the entire oral cavity. It is bruxism (and not genetically weak enamel) that in many cases is responsible for the inexplicably rapid deterioration of teeth.

This seemingly harmless parafunction can cause enamel fractures, severe tooth wear, wedge defects, sensitivity, loosening, or tooth movement. It can also cause pain caused by tooth overload in occlusion, increase the susceptibility of teeth to caries and contribute to the development of periodontitis.

Rule No. 7 – Do sports – take care of your teeth

If you do sports, invest in mouthguards. An individually made protective rail will protect them against serious injuries. If this idea seems too cautious to you, know that teeth breakouts, fractures and chipped teeth occupy “the second position after caries in terms of the frequency of treatment needs” (according to research conducted by the employees of the Medical University of GdaƄsk).

Rule # 8 – Monitor Your Oral Health Yourself

Most of us do not have the habit of self-examining our mouth. Meanwhile, it is worth checking from time to time whether our teeth, gums, tongue, and the mucosa covering the inner surfaces of the lips and cheeks are free from unusual and disturbing symptoms.

White or red spots in the mouth, prolonged sores or swelling, bleeding gums, strange lumps and lumps – these are symptoms that should prompt us to visit the dentist as soon as possible.

Rule No. 9 – Systematically use professional prophylactic

Treatments Professional prophylactic and hygienic treatments, such as scaling, sandblasting, polishing and varnishing, play an important role in caries prevention, so it is definitely worth using them. Professional tooth cleaning, performed regularly every 3 – 6 months, allows you to strengthen the enamel, take care of the condition of the gums, and remove unsightly discoloration.